welcome at het speelt dichtbij 2012.....plus
DAKB-huis utrecht balijelaan 95
Plus 2012

Sponsors: Clavis piano's

Would you like to enjoy a lovely three courses dinner and assist at the concert with flute, recorder, harpsichord and guitar of Het speelt dichtbij August 25th at 20.00? That can be realised at a reduced price at Harbour, on walking distance of the concerthall DAKB-huis.

Get a well tasting dinner for only 30 euro, the entrance fee to the concert at DAKB-huis balijelaan 95 after the dinner is included. Reservations have to be made at Harbour by mentioning "concert" and the number of persons that would like to assist.

Dinner August 25th 17.30

Voorgerecht, keuze uit:
Rundercarpaccio, huisgesneden runderhaas met Parmezaan, rucola en truffelmayonaise
Zalm, twee bereidingen van zalm met een dressing van nori en tomatencompote
Quessidilla’s, krokante tortilla met cheddar, gegrilde groenten en guacemole

Hoofdgerecht keuze uit:
Runderentrecote van de grill, met krieltjes, grotchampignons en pepersaus
Dorade, hele vis van de grill, met Provencaalse groenten en aardappelsalade
Lasagne, vegetarische lasagne met mozzarella, spinazie, tomaat, ei en bechamelsaus

Combinatie van onze dessertkaart