Chess-Chopin project 2017Mayor of Utrecht Jan van Zanen opens on the 14th of February the Chess-Chopin project 2017 in the DAKB-huis in Utrecht. The famous Dutch chess-player Hans Böhm gives a speech about the importancy of chess. He will play also the opening match of the project against artistic director of the DAKB-huis Kees Buskes. Thereafter Hans shall compete with chess-players from the neighbourhood. In the mean time Dutch pianist Lineke Lever will perform some nocturnes by Chopin. The main goal of the project is to offer the citizens of Utrecht and surroundings the opportunity to meet each other and enjoy a drink. In real meetings! By watching and listening to chess and music and to be able to move in the space between both. The other goal is to underline the importancy of chess and music for the wellness of the whole society. There will be at least 49 meetings in 2017 and 2018!There is no admittance fee.