Katia Braunschweiler
Born in 1983 in Geneve, Switserland. She studied with Edith Murano and Alan Weiss (winner of the Queen Elisabeth Competition) and Eckart Heiligers. She has received important musical impulses from among others Gyorgy Sandor, Jeremy Menuhin, Maria Jao Pires, Alexis Golovine, Igor Blagodatov and Martha Argerich. She received a grant to study with Menahem Pressler, Anton Kuerti and Andre Laplante in Toronto in 2007. At the festival of Chateau d'Oex in Switserland Katia performed the Mozart pianoconcerto KV. 414. In 2008 she was invited to play a soloconcert in the Bosendorfer Hall in Vienna. She was elected to participate in the festival for duo violin-piano with Pierre Amoyal and Bruno Canino in 2011.
At the Zurcher Hochschule der Kunste she received the Master of Solo Performance in 2007 and the Konzertdiplom in 2009, both with excellence. Katia was semi-finalist at the international pianocompetition in Majorca in 2008, second pricewinner with Beethoven at the Dutweiler-Hug Competition in Zurich in 2009 and winner of the Landolt Competition in Luzern in 2010. Also she won the first price at "Live Music Now" in Zurich in 2011.
She performs on a regular basis in France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switserland and Holland. Since 2011 she teaches at the Jugendmusikschule Winterthur.